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new in 25.05.2010
c+nl 19.2°e
TV GLOBO 13°E "add" [26.05.2010]
C+NL Nederland (19°E)
Bulsat 39.0°E
-channel 2 earth ertu 2 12664 v 27500 5/6 express-am22 @ 53° east
-channel 1 earth ertu 1 12664 v 27500 5/6 express-am22 @ 53
eriteriatv2 arabsat-2b @ 30.5° east 12612 v 2590
dubai sports (ch 33) 12437 h 27500 3/4 atlantic bird 4a 7°w
lemar tv 11495 h 5000 3/4 express-am22 @ 53° east
silemani 10978 18000 v tv express-am22 @ 53° east
duhok tv expressam 53.0°e 10975 v 01800
eurobird 9a (9.0°e) 11727 v 27500 3/4 nasn europe espn classic
fantasy channel - eurobird 9.0°e 11938.00 h 27500 3/4
bet (uk) atlantic bird2 @ 8°w 11071 h 6660 3/4
trt6 atlantic bird2 @ 8°w 11071h 6660 3/4
canal6_feed (tda tv6) atlantic bird 3 (5.0°w) 11065 h 18080 2/3
canal6_feed (tda tv6) nss 7 (22.0°w) 12736.00 h 18085 3/4
telekanal sport nizhny express am1 (40.0e) 11676.00 h 11936 3/4
k75 test 12380 h 27500 sirius 4 @ 4.8° east
ntn amos 4*w new freq: 10889-v-27500,3/4
megasport amos 4*w new freq: 10889-v-27500,3/4
inter 1 amos 4*w new freq: 10889-v-27500,3/4
kz sport - 11023 h 4340 turksat 42*east
az tv 1 42e turksat 11607 h 3750 2/3
ictimai tv 11554 h 2916-2/3 türksat 3a at 42.0°e
gpb aka 1tv (prev georgian tv) turksat 3a 12605 v 2962
lider tv eutelsat sesat 36°e @ 12521h s/r 4340 fec 1/2
saudi sport 7w nile sat 12149 h 27500 ( name of channel : Ch-5603)
abu dhabi al riyadiya 3 11804 h 27500 3/4 badr-4/6 @ 26° east
inter + sirius 4 @ 4.8° east | 12073 h 27500 3/4
tnt turkiye turksat 2a (42.0e) 11804v s/r 24444 fec 5/6
tv b92 atlantic bird 1 @ 12.5°w - 11177h s/r 15190 fec 3/4 -
bet vision eurobird 9a 11747 h 27500
saudi sport badr 26.e new frequency : 12353 v 17000
al raie (test) atlantic bird 2 - telecom 2d 8°west 11083h s/r 2210 fec3/4
-al oula eutelsat w6 @ 21.6° east 11651 v 15710 (voix et images - voice and image)
ekin turk tv turksat 2a (42°e) 11178 v 2190 3/4
ans tv - eutelsat sesat, 36°e 12526.00mhz, pol.h sr:2960 fec:3/4
earth tv 12645 h 3255 3/4 (15.0°w) telstar 12
entv: Programe national 12735 h 18085 3/4 (22.0°w)
k-1 (4°w) 10723 h 27500 3/4 amos 2/3 coded in f-1
qtv (4°w) 10759 h 30000 3/4 amos 2/3
ÎsÊ-odessa (5.0°e)12075 h 27500 3/4 sirius 4
nickelodeon belgique/mtv belgique 11139 v 4883 2/3 (33°e) eurobird™ 3
ntn ukraine(39.0°e) 11512 h 30000 7/8 hellassat 2
tv8 (42°e) 11870 v 8888 3/4 turksat 2a/3a
imedi (42.0°e) 12609 v 3700 5/6 turksat 2a/3a
tvs severnaya dvina 3940 l 7500 3/4
art prime sports (49°e) 3947 l 2220 7/8 yamal 202
gtrk tomsk 11463 h 3200 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
gtrk krasnoyarsk 4175 r 3294 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
trk irkutsk 4114 r 4285 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
gtrk buryatiya 4108 r 4275 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
gtrk kurganskaya 3843 r 3220 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
gtrk perm 3588 r 3230 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
gtrk altai 3817 r 4270 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
telekanal rossiya ngtrk 3758 r 4340 3/4 (96.5° east) express-am33
telekanal rossiya (+4h) 3675 r 33483 7/8 (96.5° east) express-am33
ÑÒÑ (+4h) ÑÒÑ(+7h) (90°e) yamal 201 11092 v 26470
telekanal domashniy(+4h) (+7h) (90°e) yamal 201 11092 v 26470
tv kyiv (4.0°w) amos 1/2 10722 h 27500 3/4
nash dom (53.0°e) express am22 11044 v 44951
stolicnoe tv (53.0°e) express-am22 11158 v 3255 3/4
vesti (90° east) yamal 201 fta 11092 v 26470 3/4
telekanal rossiya (+6h)&(+8h) (80.0°e) express-am2 3525 r 31110 3/4 (c-band)
telekanal domashniy+7 (75.0°e) abs-1 12640 v 22000 3/4
nts (75.0°e) abs-1 12704 v 3900 7/8
fox deutschland (12.5°w) atlantic bird 1 11188 h 5722 5/6
ans tv turksat 2a (42°e) 11894 h 2400 5/6 0001
alternativna tv bosnia (11° w) 11516 v 7780 5/6 express a3 (11 w)
national geographic atlantic bird 12,5º west 11188 h 05722 5/6
rustavi 2 12593 v2500 42°e
ntv-ntv sport frequency is 11054 h 30000
cys radio channels turksat(42.0°e) 11952 v 2980 3/4 : Cys radio channels
rouge fm - radiochannel hotbird - (13°e) -12476 h 27500 3/4
fox tv (12.5°w) atlantic bird 1 11177 h new s/r: 15190 3/4
fox sport / discovery science/fox news , freq 11064h s/r 12667 fec 3/4 atlantic bird 2 (8.0w)
tv canaria 11474 3400 h hispasat 1c (30.0°w)
al jazeera feeds 11156 h 3978 3/4 eutelsat w1
axn portugal 12092 27500 v 1c (30.0°w)
canal4 11731 h 28126 5/6 hespasat 1c (30.0°w)
ntv-ntv sport 11054 h 30000 türksat 1c/2a at 42.0°e
canal 4 11731 h 28126 5/6 hispasat 1c (30.0°w)
1+1 internaional 12073 h 27500 sirius 4 at 4.8°e
tet 11766 27500 h sirius 4 at 4.8°e
programme nat ( en tv ) 11065 h new sr: 18080 atlantic bird 3
fox life 12543 h 27500 3/4 atlantic bird 3
assabiaa eutelsat w6 11651 v 15710
test 2 channel 11862 v 27500 badr 3/4/6 (26°e)
ld tv 11931 h 27500 hispasat 1c (30.0°w)
mbc international badr 4 (26.0°e) 11919 h 27500 3/4
sat2000 (9.0°e) eurobird 9 11823 h 27500 3/4
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equidia pro 1 and equidia pro 2 channels freq :12380 v 27500 13e
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digi tv ok intelsat 11-02 thor 2/ 3 to fixed digi tv menu 2121
tv globo 11585 v 27500 hotbird 13°e
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cartoon network & tnt germany 11728 v 27500 eurobird 9 (9.0e)
hustlertv, blue hustler, espn classic sport, zone romantica, travel channel, tnt serie 12111h 27500 sirius 4 @ 4.8°e
disney channel 10723 h 29000 hotbird 13 e ( name of the cahnnel 10.722h)
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mcm belgique 12543 h 27500 atlantic bird 3
mezzo 12245 h 27500 hotbird
sic internacional 12568 h 3703 eutelsat w2 16°e