Free Image Editor
Version 2.3
Free Image Editor is a bitmap image-editing application that lets you retouch existing photos or create original graphics. Free Image Editor gives you the tools and supplies of a professional graphic design studio. There is TWAIN and support for importing from any scanner. Free Image Editor provides a rich graphics toolset for digital photography, print production and Web design.
- JPEG (RGB, GrayScale, YCbCr, CMYK, YCbCrK) loading and saving.
- JPEG2000: JP2, J2K and JPC code stream formats (JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard, ISO/IEC 15444-1) loading and saving.
- TIFF (rev.6.0, Packbits, CCITT G.3 and G.4) with RGB, CMYK, B/W, CIELab color spaces loading and saving. Also FAX (CCITT3) format supported for loading.
- PNG with various compression levels loading and saving.
- Compressed and uncompressed BMP in 2,16,256 or 16M colors loading and saving.
- Compressed and uncompressed PCX in 2,16,256 or 16M colors loading and saving.
- DIB, RLE, TGA (TARGA, VDA, ICB, VST, PIX) loading and saving.
- Portable Bitmap PBM, PGM and PPM loading and saving.
- WBMP (Wireless Bitmap) uncompressed and black/white loading and saving.
- GIF in 2,4,8,16,32,64,128 or 256 colors loading and saving.
- WMF, EMF (input as raster), ICO and CUR loading.
- RAW Camera formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, RAW, PEF, RAF, X3F, BAY, ORF, SRF, MRW, DCR) loading.
- MultiPage TIF, GIF and AVI loading and saving.
- PhotoShop PSD format loading and saving.
- Saving/loading of specific file format parameters and saving/loading of preview dialogs (e.g. you can set quality of a Jpeg and view immediately the quality loss).
- Progress monitoring with saving and loading.
Input (extra):
- Image properties getting without loading it.
- Image acquisition from TWAIN scanner with full control of the scanner capabilities.
- Screen capture by various methods (all desktop, rectangle selection, object and active window).
- Video capture from various video sources.
Image processing and analysis:
- Decreasing and increasing of raster lines thickness.
- Image and paper resizing.
- Image rotation any angle by various methods.
- Image deskew by various methods.
- Horizontal and vertical flip.
- Image invert conversion.
- Selected region cropping.
- Conversion to gray scale and negative.
- Color to other color replacing .
- Median cut and Neural network color quantizers, for fast and accurate color reduction.
- Reduction to any number of colors (with colormap output).
- HSV and RGB channels separations.
- Color equalization.
- Regulation of contrast, HSL, HSV/ HSB and RGB components.
- LineArt ******s: despeckle and so on.
- Application of 3x3 ******s.
- Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) with preview.
- Maximum (dilation), Minimum (erosion), Opening and Closing ******s with preview.
- Picture ******s (soften, sharpen, color emboss, gaussian blur, antialias, remove red eyes and auto equalize).
- Contour ******s (find edges and trace).
- Bump mapping, lens, wave, morph and other effects.
- Preview of all the effects in a single dialog, with 8 preset ******s and save/load ******s from file.
- Progress monitoring for image processing tasks.
- Multilevel Undo/Redo for raster editing.
- Raster layers.
Raster paint operations:
- Various paint tools (sketch, line, ellipse, curve, rectangle, round rectangle, flood fill, spray, eraser and eyedropper).
- Various pen styles (solid, clear, dash, dot, dashdot and dashdotdot).
- Various brush styles (solid, clear, cross, diagonal cross, b-diagonal, f-diagonal, vertical and horizontal).
- Choice of pen and brush colors.
Image rendering:
- Real time Zoom-in and Zoom-out (by percentage, zoom in rectangular area or by one mouse click). Zoom-previous is also available.
- Real time Pan (click and drag the image with mouse).
- Scrollbar in two dimensions for the fast exploration of the image.
- Printing (and print preview) functions to print single images specifing page alignment or absolute position.
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All rights reserved.
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